The Peters Players
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Jacqui Cawthorne
Jacqui has impressed with performances of true quality, her most memorable roles would include Lady Julia (Who was evil to me!!) in Lord Arthur Saville's Crime and Mary Magdelen in our easter play (the Vigil) Has a great temper as Stuart will tell you (She hit him on stage once) And was beautifully in character hurling abuse at Polly in Living Together (playing the part of Sarah) Most recently played the part of mad, old and deaf Aunt Gertrude in Trial and Error, and the part of slightly mad (notice any similarities) Lucy in the superbly directed Mother Figure. Recent performances include that of evil apple obsessed Emily Tomb(later poisoned) in "Tomb With A View" and Mrs Higgins (Henry's Mum) In "Pygmalion"

Carole Pearce
Marcus roped Carol into the group during a particularly boring English lesson, and soon after she was treading the boards as Briggs (the reporter) in Trial and Error, next she played the part of dippy Joyce in Last Panto In Little Grimley. We hope to keep her in the group for as long as possible as she is getting better and better with each show she does, was also our invaluable prompt for "'Tomb With A View"'. Most recent part was that of our Hostess in "Pygmalion"

Marcus Kirby
Marcus is one of the longest serving members of the group and is responsible for recruiting many of our new members including his mum Linda and wife Claire. Marcus no longer lives close enough to be involved in all of our shows but he maintains strong links with the group and can often be found in the audience showing his support.

Clare Kirby
Clare was roped in by Marcus to help out during our Wyrd Sisters production when we found ourselves short of cast members. Clare did an amazing job and we look forward to one day seeing her back on the stage.

Chris O'Dwyer
Chris is renowned for playing Dead Bodies and even Death himself. When Chris first joined the group he was quite shy and reserved, a few shows with our group soon brought Chris out of his shell and he has become a far more confidant actor over the years. Chris has a very artistic streak and is often responsible for much of our artwork.